Archive for the ‘Partner Issues’ Category

by Reid Vanderburgh MA, LMFT

My brother-in-law laments for the 1950s, wanting a return to the days when “men were men and women were women and everyone knew where they stood.” Despite our general disagreement on nearly every topic possible, paradoxically, I know that life would be much easier for post-transition transsexuals if gender roles were still as narrowly-defined and [...]

by Reid Vanderburgh MA, LMFT

For partners only? Well, no, not really. However, partners’ issues are given such short shrift, it seems appropriate to give them center stage and exclusive attention for a time. The focus of this article is on the experience of the non-trans partners of people who consider and/or undergo transition from one sex to another.
If this [...]

by Reid Vanderburgh MA, LMFT

In early 2002, the question arose on an academic e-mail list I subscribe to, “How can I respond when a colleague questions my decision to have surgery, her argument being that trans surgeries are no different than liposuction, breast augmentation or any other form of body image-based cosmetic surgery? Her point is that women don’t [...]

by Reid Vanderburgh MA, LMFT

When I was 39, my then-partner came out to me as trans, saying, “I’ve always felt like a man inside, and if I had the money, I’d have an operation tomorrow.” I had not yet realized consciously that I had gender issues of my own, and this remark began a process of my coming to [...]